Thứ Ba, 13 tháng 8, 2013

Phân tích kinh doanh

1/ Analyzing biz situation

          *          Assessing the current situation (where you are) by doing SWOT analysis

          *          Business environment analysis: identify key business issues/root causes to make sure you consider the marketplace, the industry, competitors, and other influences.

          *          Identifying specific goals (where you want to be)

          *          Mapping a path to achieve the goal (the strategy: short term & long term)

          *          Creating measurements to determine success factors (KPIs)

2) Doing market research

          *          Identifying the trend, actual growth rate of this industry

          *          Understanding competitors: total revenue so you can estimate roughly of the size of the overall marketplace.

          *          Determining the brand image of each competitor

          *          Identifying the products’ GasTech positioning in the market

          *          Competitors’ major activities/operations/new products in the last 2-3 years

          *          Identifying market segment

          *          Forecasting sales volumes and market share

3/ Identifying the Product Positioning Statement:  to describe how you wish your company and your product to be perceived by your target audience

4/ Resources: back office and factory

5/ Budgeting: ???$$$ for marketing

6/ Risk analysis

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